Protecting Flooring Installations With Floorcloud & Wagner Sensors
Protecting Flooring Installations With Floorcloud & Wagner Sensors presented by Scott Banda of Floorcloud and Jason Spangler with Wagner Meters.
The Floorcloud team will present 'Protecting Flooring Installations With Floorcloud & Wagner Sensors'. The presentation will focus on the Floorcloud jobsite monitoring platform and its latest features. Specific attention will be devoted to how Floorcloud now enables its users to remotely monitor Wagner Rapid RH concrete sensors. Jason Spangler will share how Wagner Meters' products work in conjunction with Floorcloud. Learn about these two companies' innovative monitoring systems.
February 16, 2023
Online Webinar
Product Training: 1.00
FCICA Member Price:$0.00
Non-Member Price:$0.00
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