Adopting New Installation Standards - A Roadmap for the Industry

Adopting New Installation Standards - A Roadmap for the Industry presented by Paul Stuart, Co-Founder and Ben Walker, Chief Operating Officer with Go Carrera

In this webinar, Paul Stuart and Ben Walker, Go Carrera, will provide a roadmap for flooring professionals to achieve installation excellence through clear standards. We'll explore the driving forces behind the need for industry-wide adoption, technology, regulation, and consumer expectations. In addition, we'll cover current best practices, emerging trends, and potential challenges. Attendees will gain actionable strategies for seamless integration, compliance, efficiency, as well as superior outcomes at scale. Join us as we chart the course toward flooring installation excellence.

June 13, 2024
Online Webinar
Adopting New Installation Standards - A Roadmap for the Industry
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Project Management: 1.00
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